Joyous belly laughter, tight hugs and yes, a few happy tears were shared this weekend as a group of Paris Jewellers Brand Ambassadors gathered together to work on our upcoming campaign for the holidays. We know what you are going to say, it’s still summer! But in the world of retail, August IS December…for preparations anyway.
The Paris Jewellers team is unlike any I have ever worked with, and it is a sincere joy to experience. As various team members arrived throughout the day, each person was greeted with squeals of delight, big hugs and lots of laughter. It truly was like a family reunion. We talk over the phone and email with each other on a daily basis, building relationships with people we sometimes have never met in person. To be able to hug each other, and celebrate a day to be together working on an exciting project…what an invaluable gift.
It wasn’t an easy day either, we asked our team members to step outside of their comfort zones and share themselves and their stories with us. We asked them to take a full day out of their lives to help us. We asked them to wear sweaters in the sweltering heat while we played Christmas music on the stereo…in August!! But if you looked around at everyones faces that day, you would be hard pressed to find someone who wasn’t grinning from ear to ear.
We can’t wait to share the results with you, but don’t want to give away the surprise! So we will leave you with some behind-the-scenes images of our Brand Ambassadors, with a special thanks to all of them (and all of our BA’s across Canada) for being an incredible group of people to work with!